
It is important for everyone to write a Will, so that there is certainty at the time of death as to who inherits the deceased person’s property, assets, etc. The Will ensures that the deceased person’s property and assets are inherited by the intended beneficiaries, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased.
Although making a Will may sound depressing, it is an important task which should be undertaken, and as the old saying goes, ‘Making a Will will not kill you’.
At Appleby Shaw, we can guide you through the process of making a Will, from taking initial instructions, advising you on tax implications, to drafting the Will and forwarding it to you for approval, and finally ensuring that the Will is properly executed.

When someone dies, it is necessary for assets in the deceased’s name to be transferred in accordance with a Will, or the Rules of Intestacy if there is no Will. At Appleby Shaw we can help with this process, which involves obtaining a court document authorising the transfer of the deceased’s assets to his/her beneficiaries. We will advise on obtaining such a document, which is known as a ‘Grant of Representation’. Such advice will concern the various documents that must be produced to the Probate Registry, and regarding whether Inheritance Tax is payable.
At Appleby Shaw, we can help to guide you through this process at a difficult and sad time.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney: (1) Financial and (2) Health & Care.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney:
LPA Financial can cover issues such as:
- buying and selling property
- paying the mortgage
- paying bills
- repairs to property
- investing money
At Appleby Shaw we can help you to put in place a Financial LPA and/or Health & Care LPA.
By making an LPA you can be sure that someone you trust will make decisions on your behalf when you no longer wish to or cannot do so.
LPA for Health & Care can cover issues such as
- your medical treatment
- where you should live
- what you should eat
- who you should have contact with